What I Want to Know Is Why You Hate Porn Stars

Here’s what I want to know.

It’s an open question to everyone, to my ex-boyfriends, neuroscientists, radical feminists, politicians, people on Twitter, my friends, myself.

What is it about porn stars that bothers you so much?

Why do you hate us?

What is it about us that you don’t like?

Listen, if I told you

that we weren’t exploited any more than anyone else in any other job,

that we chose to do the work we do,

that we appreciate each other’s bodies,

that we’re not trying to violate your kids,

that we’re just doing what’s in our hearts,

that desire can be a good thing,

that pleasure is okay,

that we’re also teachers and doctors and lawyers and meteorologists and trainers and DJs and artists and writers and parents,

that we’re people,

would any of that matter?

It’s okay, you don’t have to answer. I know the answer.